Monday, 27 April 2015

What next?

Final week - week 18. 42 miles (including the Marathon) 

So that's the end of this Training Blog. Thanks to the Pfitzinger Advanced Marathon Training Plan. which has been adhered to (to an extent) I think I've trained smarter than ever before, and have learnt the lessons of running slower miles, doing longer mid-week runs and adopting speed work in to the marathon training schedule. I couldn't quite get up to the 55 mile weeks, with life getting in the way, but averaging over 40 miles per week for 4 months has been a personal first. I'm sure this all had a major bearing on yesterday's run, an in particular how well it felt throughout. 

So whats next? The love of running is still very much alive. I have the DK10km next week (at a gentle pace I think!) and am booked in to the York Marathon in October. I'm genuinely undecided if I'll do this though - I think I enjoy training for the half-marathon more, and with a number of decent halves in the autumn and an entry to the World Half Marathon Championships in Cardiff next March, this could be a better bet. 

I'm seriously thinking of changing tack for the next couple of months too. The London Marathon signified my 10 year anniversary of Race running, from my first 10km in Sutton Park in April 2005. I'm thinking of doing something completely different; a few months of Cross-Fit in Selly Oak, a chance to build up more core and stability fitness, combined with strength, to see if this later has an impact on my running. It will hurt, I'm weak beyond run fitness, but I suspect it may be a very sensible challenge! Now would be the ideal time to try it I think

Either way, the running will still be central. The last 4 months have been an exciting journey. Once rested, the journey continues ….. 

Sunday 26th April 

Virgin Money London Marathon 

7.45 p/m 

Wow, a very rewarding and very different experience from my past few marathons. Each one is a journey of self-discovery but the last three have been a tale of what if's?; this one answered some internal questions and restored my faith in my ability to run this insane distance, not just by the time it was run but in the manner, a sustained controlled pace pretty much from the off ….

The day started well, a reasonable sleep after fuelling on pizza and honeycomb Arctic roll at Prezzo in Woodford with Pete the night before, and an easy trip in from East London, feeling the tension from fellow runners on the train under charcoal skies, no sun to be seen. Getting off at Blackheath I immediately bumped into Andy Wheeler, who was looking confident, and wandered up to the start. The prospect of heavy rain seem to have abated, so after bumping into both Harvey and Oli (what were the chances!) and talking through last minute strategies, it was time to dump the bag and join Pen number 3 on the Blue Start, in anticipation for the off. At 10.10 as a flurry of discarded bin bags sailed overhead we were off. No signature anthems (at least I didn't hear anything) and within a minute or so, we'd managed to cross the start line.

The first couple of miles were carnage! I was intending to go out at steady 8 minute miles, but as the first one sailed past in 8.40 due to the sheer weight of numbers, the focus was not on time but on avoiding other peoples feet and humps in the road, which in itself involved a high level of concentration. It eased out though after about 3 miles it felt easier to run; the numbers were just as large but everyone just seemed to settle into some kind of rhythm, which was established by the time we headed to Greenwich. At some point I went passed a personal Marathon talk hero, Tony Audenshaw (the guy from Emmerdale) who was running with Emu on his arm, and wished him luck!

The atmosphere as we went passed the National Maritime Museum and the Cutty Sark was fantastic, and I managed to step up the pace a little, partly to escape a pack of runners who were sticking like to glue to the 8 minute mile Pacer, including a man in an 8 foot Buxton Water Bottle Costume! I was really trying to absorb the festival like commotion between miles 7 and 13 as we headed for Tower Bridge, which I think are definite course highlights. I took the first of my three gels at about 8 miles and kept to a strategy of just taking a little water every 4 miles or so, which strictly kept to the whole run working on the basis that there was little point in deviating to much from what I would do on long training runs. Enjoyed going over Tower Bridge with all the cheer and before we knew it we are at half way; my watch clocked at 1.43, so slightly ahead of expected schedule but feeling strong

In the past couple of London Marathons the wheels came off between miles 16 and 19 at the Isle of Dogs. The conditions were very kind this time, about 10 degrees and thick cloud with a little drizzle on occasions, so weather was no excuse. The training miles had been put in, so I was determined not to befall the same fate! Mentally I labelled these graveyard miles; nothing really happens, it's perhaps the least interesting part of the course and is less well supported, but I focussed on just running consistently and trying to follow the blue line as best as I could. 20 miles then came and went quickly and a few people were starting to struggle and I think it's at this point that you have to be really mentally strong. My watch was telling me that was pace had remained pretty much consistent at 7.45 for a good hour and a half, at this point, and I was surprised with how good I was feeling, passing a lot of people and feeling quite 'springy', counting down the miles rather than worrying about how many had elapsed.

It was great going passed the crew at Bliss at about 22 miles, and the noise level upped a few decibels as we headed back along the embankment, taking in the magnificent views along the River and the Eye. At about 24 miles it was a case of just focusing on maintaining the effort which was eased by the sight of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben and the run through St James' Park. The last 600m did seem inordinately long though but there was still enough energy for a final burst up the Mall and the finish. It was only then that whilst feeling mentally really good, the legs felt absolutely gone!

I couldn't be happier with the time. Ironically I ended up running at faster than 3.25 pace, averaging 7.45's, but running 26.5 miles, but personally it was important to prove to myself that I could do it without recoursing to run walk, and amazingly looking at the splits, from 15 km (after the race had settled), my 5km split times varied by only 2 seconds, so the pace was sustained. I was delighted with a slight negative split too, the second half was a minute or so faster than the first.

I was then fortunate to have both a massage (very gentle) and a shower at a post race reception put on by Bliss, which will hopefully go some way to mending those thousands of little muscle tears endured en route!

So a few personal lessons learned: 

1/ Ease into the race. Concentrate on just avoiding peoples feet for the first few miles, knowing it will ease out
2/ Do not aim to run at an exact pace that is being paced by an official Runners World guy. They become running Honeypots
3/ Be extra vigilant at water, and particularly lucozade gel stations - I cursed on numerous occasions nearly tripping over empty gel sachets
4/ Count down the miles, not count up. It's gives so much re-assurance
5/ Prey for a cool, dry day!
6/ Break the run down - some parts are better supported than others, be prepared to almost try and switch off for those 'graveyard miles'
7/ Try and follow the blue line as far as possible. Try not to run further than need be!
8/ Don't run with an iPod - the atmosphere is unique, it's amazing. Let it wash over you, don't drown it out. I don't race to music any more and it's made a big difference in the past couple of years.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Saturday 25th April 

4.08m @ 8.26 p/m 
34 mins 

Woke up at 5.30am feeling restless. Out the door at 6am for the last pre-marathon run. Don't know why I'm feeling a little anxious - it's not new. Maybe it's the fear of messing up again on the day, almost like if I get it wrong again, that's the end of it. The marathon is just not meant to be, in terms of doing it justice. Dosen't make too much sense and after all, it's only a run, but when do these things ever truly rationalise?

The run was great - it's so still in Harborne at this time of the morning, as the sun broke over the sleepy village. Hardly a soul around. My iPod decided not to work (typical) but as I'm not running to plan with music tomorrow, it's no big deal. So that's the last few miles in the bank and muscles still feeling fresh and bouncy.

Time to throw my bag together and travel down to London for the ExPo, meet up with Pete and look forward to tomorrow. Must remember my trainers ….

Forecast looking like it's going to be a wet one - should suit me, as long as I don't get too soaked before the race begins. Cool too, about 10-12 degrees, so i won't have the excuse of the heat if it all goes wrong!

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Tuesday 21st April 

7.25m @8.32 p/m 
61 mins 
after work with Jack - Star City canal route 

Starting now to count down the last few runs. No club run yesterday as it was the BVH AGM, so I was itching to get out and enjoy the fantastic weather after work. Took it really easy with Jack, on the Star City route, passing Burnt Car Alley and the less celubrious parts of the City Centre! Really enjoyable run. Not long to go and having a sports massage tomorrow too.

There were some great runs in the marathons last weekend; Rachel did a superb 3.39 and Simon a really controlled 3.26 at Manchester, amongst others, and Katy did a good Boston Marathon too. Maybe I'll have to re-evaluate my super conservative approach? ….

Thursday 23rd April 

4.23m @ 7.33 p/m - with 6x50m strides 
31 mins 

Really is starting to feel close now and I've started to think abut what I need for Sunday - the forecast looks like it's going to be wet; perhaps light rain, perhaps heavy, and between 10 and 15 degrees. After the hot ones in the past few years, this sounds great! Staring to get nervous too, not sure why but I guess it's not a bad thing. I know I've done all the training and the marathon isn't a mystery, but you can't help having all the 'what if?' scenarios.

Survived yesterday's massage. I'm not sure if it was a good thing but Sian booked me in to see Govinder, a lady who has just set up in Harborne, for a sports massage. This is the first of any massage I've had for a very long time and focussed on the legs for an hour. Surprised as there are no real knots, but she managed to really stretch out the calves in particular, and I was feeling a little sore in the calves and quads afterwards, doubting whether it was too close to the race, as i was hobbling around

Today's run gave it credibility though. Felt great - a real gentle run around Harborne in the early evening sunshine. Tried taking it really easily but was still sauntering around at around 7.30 pace, quicker than marathon, and legs feeling very springy. Last run I think, bar a very gentle 20 min Saturday morning jog. I think I'm still looking forward to it …..

Think i've decided on strategy now - if it is light rain and mild, I'll aim to go out at 7.50 pace, for 3.25. If it's not, i'll go out a bit slower and lay it by feel.

Saturday, 18 April 2015


31.1 miles 

The last medium-long run and a decent week of tapering; keeping to the schedule. With the abundance of other Spring marathons; Paris, Manchester, Boston, it's all starting to get exciting. Staying healthy too, so all bodes well.

I've thought more about what I want out this marathon (see Saturday) but the training stats are interesting. In 17 weeks, I've covered 697 miles, averaging 41 per week. Also done 6 runs of over 18 miles (the longest being a 22 miler) and have kept paces sensibly - 8.30, 8.41, 8.06, 8.25 and 8.15 per mile for these. Also done a couple of key races; a quicker 20 miler (2.33) and a decent half marathon (1.30), so the training is in the bank. 

Monday 13th April 

7.74m @ 7.54 p/m 
1hr 1 min 
BVH - Manor Park / Uni route 

On a glorious evening, rather than stick to the duller winter routes, it was great to head out on the Manor Park summer run with Andy, Ian and a few of the guys and put the running world to rights! Took it easy over the fields, through Manor Park and down to the Uni, heading back just keeping the light on our side on the canals.  Really enjoyed the run. Thinking of trying to spruce up the diet for the marathon fortnight - my nutrition has been pretty terrible for the whole training schedule, so will aim to carb load a little more. Great that I've not had a drink now for almost 2 months - driest time for 20 years I guess, and I haven't really missed it.

Wednesday 15th April 

6.2 miles inc. 3 x 1 mile reps@ c5km pace (6.20 - 6.35 p/m) with 800m recoveries 

Hit the gym after work for probably the last real bit of speed work. I wasn't really in the mood but it was on the schedule and I genuinely think the faster running is a good thing. I'm not going to get any fitter now before the marathon but I believe that training my body to work out of its comfort zone regularly should pay dividends for the hard sections later in the marathon

Anyhow, good session of 1 mile repeats at comfortably hard pace, aiming for around 5km effort. Interestingly I've started using a machine with a decent heart rate monitor, my Max HR seems to be about 176 bpm on these speed works, with a 8 min mile rate of late 120's to early 130's. Will have to investigate if this seems about right? As usual, felt great after the session.

Thursday 16th April 

BVH - Kenyon Hills session (Cotteridge Park) 
25 mins steady hills effort

I wasn't sure if I would bother with the Club tonight, but with a run on the agenda, and a lack lustre to do a local route, I thought the company would do me good! It was another lovely evening (has been a really dry April so far - high pressure) and with just a few people there, a gentle partake of the reps session in Cotteridge Park seemed like a good idea. It was good catching up with Matt, who has just done the Paris Marathon and hearing about Oli's training (or severe lack of it!) for London, as we did a continuous hill session on grass. After yesterday's speed work I took it very easy for the first 15 minutes or so, and then injected some effort for the last 10, feeling really good. Midges had a little feast though - time to get out the fly spray for the season!

Saturday 18th April 

12.6 m @ 8.15 p/m 
1hr 44mins 
Canals, Rea Valley and Harborne Hills route 

With a trip to Wembley to watch Villa in the FA Cup semi final tomorrow, I had to plan ahead in getting up early to do the last semi-long run. Out the door before 7am and there was a real chill in the air, surprisingly so. I wanted to plan the last decent run carefully so picked possibly my favourite route; down to the canals via the Uni, over to Kings Norton on the Rea Valley and back over the Harborne Hills. Who knows, it could be my last ever marathon training run!

Took it really easy, wanted to feel the enjoyment with a decent episode of Marathon Talk, on the subject largely of Spring Marathons. Time to consider strategy too. I think I really will go out easy on the day and aim for solid 8 minute miles, and try to sustain it all the way around. My times at shorter distances suggest that I should be able to go much faster, but I'm not aiming to break records. I so much want to 'feel' the race, try and get what is so special about the London marathon. I just haven't felt it on the two occasions before. The training I think has gone well, it's been a consistent effort since last December and I've introduced both mid-week longer runs and weekly speed work into the programme. This can only make me stronger for the day and should fill with confidence. Touch wood, I've also been pretty much injury free, not even the small niggles. I've not had to resort to any physio either - it's been a bit uncanny!

On a negative note, my diet has been awful - I've just not heeded what I've been fuelling the engine with. Hope it doesn't cost me, but if I don't go out too hard, I can't see how it will? Starting to have a look at the long range weather forecasts too now for London. It's looking quite hopeful - my heart will sink if it's a really warm and sunny day; please give me cloud, cool and showers!

Anyway, today's run went really well and with no fuel on the way round at all. Feeling good, will really take it super easy next week - perhaps just a couple of short runs (no BVH on Monday as it's the AGM), and look forward to the big weekend ….

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Week 16

54.5 miles 

Good week of running including my longest training run; enjoying the blend of long runs with shorter, quicker efforts. Hard work out the way now, time to enjoy a decent taper 

Wednesday 8th April 

6 miles in all - 4 easy miles on the treadmill 

After yesterday recovery from the long run on Easter Monday, this was just and easy hour or so in the gym, although the legs were feeling pretty good. I think it may have been the long post-run bath that helped. Katy was in the gym, so we had a good running catch up - she's now close to Boston, but with an injury ravished final month, is still uncertain as to whether it's a viable proposition. I reckon with the opportunity to try such a famous race, it's worth the punt, albeit with different running expectations.

Thursday 9th April 

6.2 miles, inc. 6x600m @ 6.00-6.20 p/m (9.3 - 10 mph) 

Strength and condition was on the schedule at BVH, so with the family still in Wales, I skipped the club and commuted to a speedier work out in the gym. Ironic really, as the weather has been fantastic this week, whilst I've been training inside!

Working on one of the new Precor machines for the first time, I really enjoyed this session; comfortably hard at just under half a mile per rep, but giving a decent work out. The fitness does seem to coming through and I think the speed work may just make a difference; I guess we'll see

Saturday 11th April 

5.02m @ 7.15 p/m 
36 mins 
Harborne walkway 

It was one of those stinking mornings where I didn't fancy going out at all. With the guys back from Wales, early was the only option so I zipped up the man-suit, felt in the mood for a bit of Queen, and headed out into the rain. The schedule was for a tune-up race so I thought it was best to run hardish, and kind of enjoyed the 5 miler down the walkway and back. Job done, pleased with the pace

Sunday 12th April 

15.2 miles @ 8.18 p/m 
2hrs 6 mins 
A4040 route 

Another early start for the last longish run of the training programme. Cool, dry morning and as I'd done the last long one around Villa Park in previous years, thought I'd stick with tradition! Headed into town, out to Aston and the never ending A4040! Felt good for the first few miles, taking it nice and easy, enjoying passing a variety of blossoming magnolias and cheery trees, and tuning into Marathon Talk, whiling away the time. After an hour or so though, I seemed to lose a little interest in the run; perhaps it was knowing the big race s pretty close, but finished in a lacklustre manner. All done though, so will now try and eat well for the last couple of weeks (the nutrition side has been very poor for the duration of the training), sleep well and taper properly. Wonder if this will be the last marathon training programme for me, I'm not convinced that I'm going to go through it again for York later in the year.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Monday 6th April 

22.1 miles @ 8.15 p/m 
3hrs 2 min 

I think this may have been my longest non-marathon run ever! I wasn't intending it to be but it just felt right. I left the family down in Wales last night, after a gorgeous morning on the Black Mountains and fun packed Easter Egg hunt, so had no excuse not to get up really early for this last long run on the Pfitzinger training plan, scheduled for 20 miles. The forecast was pretty glum, but the BBC thankfully got it wrong!

Up at 6.30 and headed out in full race gear (to make sure the Bliss Vest felt OK) into a very foggy Brum. Took it really easy for the first few miles, over to Woodgate Valley and up to KE 5 Ways and Rubery, with a decent variety of climbs too. The sun then burnt off the mist and it was a glorious morning, one of those that makes you pleased to be alive, and a runner! Enjoying Marathon Talk and Tom Williams was talking through his experience of following the Pfitzinger Plan and of taking into his stride easy long runs up to 22 miles. This planted the idea and as I was feeling good, why not?

Headed out across the Rea Valley and wasn't feeling the aches I've felt towards the end miles of some of the earlier runs, so headed into town and came back up through Winson Green on the Harborne Walk Way. The pace was gradually being picked up throughout, and the post-20 miles seemed OK. Really pleased with this run, now I can properly taper and try and maintain this. Again, a little quicker than intended, averaging 8.15 p/m, but certainly this has given me confidence to go just that last few miles on the Marathon Day. I know I have the legs, it'll depend on the conditions I think, hoping for a cool, gloomy day!

That's 5 runs now totalling 100 miles, really pleased!

Week 15 

35.7 miles (with the long run on the following Bank Holiday Monday) 

A slightly 'flat' week - legs feeling a little tired and heavy and lacking in motivation; enjoyed a few sessions in the gym instead though. Strange feeling of going through the motions, although a great longest run the following Monday … 

Tuesday 31st March 

Gym - 6 miles 

Delilah was spayed on Monday so I was working from home, and in looking after her missed BVH Monday. Thankfully she seism OK, I think we were more worried than she was, poor thing! Personally I think I needed the extra recovery time too, after racing on Saturday and a quicker than intended 20 miler on Sunday.

So, an evening jaunt to the gym, staying away from the dreadmill! Bit of elliptical X-Training, a decent 200m row in about 8.30 and a sweat fest on the bike for 20 minutes. Felt much better after but nothing makes we sweat like the bike set on a hard course!

Wednesday 1st April 

Gym - 4 x 1200m reps @ 6.20 - 6.30 p/m pace
6 miles in all 

The start of Spring, on a dark, cloudy mid-week day, it certainly didn't feel like it! After a long day it was a burst of gym based speed work, with some great late 90's Ibiza house tunes! 1200m reps at roughly 5km pace felt good, the legs seemed to work again. It does seem strange though, I'm really enjoying the short speed work outs but not enjoying the thought of just running for the miles. Have entered the Cardiff Half Marathon World Championships for next March, too, so already planning ahead.

Thursday 2nd April 

Gym - 5.08m @ 8 p/m 

It may have been a Thursday but to all intents and purposes it felt like a Friday, with the Easter bank holidays coming up. Disciplined to do a quick work out after work, a gentle 5 miler. Bit of a vanilla run, bit good to keep the legs turning.

Friday 3rd April (Good Friday) 

11.2m @ 8.22 p/m 
1hr 33

The joys of the Bank Holidays; the opportunities to run early on a usual work day! Before we went to Wales I got up early and headed out on a drizzly, miserable morning with little enthusiasm for the longish 'mid week' run. Headed into town, avoiding what I suspected are very wet canal path, through a quiet Good Friday City Centre and out to Cannon Hill Park. Legs feeling OK, but hardly a run to store in the memory banks. Weather wise, it has been a drab old week, which has been reflected in my general running mood!

Saturday 4th April 

7.42m @ 7.23 p/m 
54 mins 
Pembrey to Llanelli (Millenium Coastal Path) 

Now this is why we run, this is what it's all about! Down in West Wales had a fabulous walk along the beach with family and dog in Pembrey Coastal Park, before they left for John's and a spot of shopping. I was left at Pembrey and ran the coastal path back to John's in Machynys, following much of the track of the Llanelli Half Marathon along the Millennium Coastal Path. It was a really stunning afternoon, the warmest this year, and, for no particular reason, decided to push the pace, going through Burry Port and Llanelli, en route, Fabulous run and legs feeling good at sub 7.30 pace.

Pleased to have planned ahead for a quick change in the car park and the chance of a run. We runners need to be resourceful!

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Week 14

36 miles

A week of deviating from the plan (work commitments) but still managed some quality sessions. Mentally fighting whether this Sunday's run will be the last 20 miler before the race, still not decided. 
Marathon pack came as well this week and started raising some decent money for Bliss, the premature baby charity, so no way back … No real niggles too so far, touch wood. 

Tuesday 24th March 

7.33m @ 7.28 p/m 
54 minutes 
Canals and Star City 

Missed BVH as was on a work trip to Huddersfield Town FC and Rugby League club yesterday, and didn't get back in time, so eager not to miss out on a run after work. Jack wasn't around so, on a pleasant spring like evening, it was a quick dash down to the canals and around the Spaghetti Junction / Star City loop. Usual dodgy characters out in force, but thankfully no problems. Was feeling really good. Went out expecting a plod, but a decent tempo run at mid 7's was a real boost, with a bit of old school Soul2Soul to accompany.

Thursday 26th March 

BVH - coaching 
Pyramids on 5km route - 1-5-1
5.5 mile session - reps at 6.30- 700 p/m 

It was my turn to coach this evening so kept it really simple; working hard on the 5km route for a progressively longer 1 to 5 mins pyramid session and then back down to 1 minute, covering the loop 3 times. There's a tough gradient so not the easiest, but felt strong running with Andy and Laura. Could be the last of the dark evening sessions for a while …

Saturday 28th March 

Saucony Midlands Road Relays - Sutton Park
3.14 m @ 6.30 p/m 
Club 33rd/55

Great to be back in Club Competition - the ever favourite 12 stage road relays; some long, some short. This really is a tough event, it's these competitions that makes you realise just how many strong club runners there are. I was running one of the later stages for the A team (they had a few injuries, normally I would be down the order!), starting at around 3.30 on a day that had been very wet, and was still windy - not exactly great conditions. There was quite a gathering, a lot of teams from as far as Bath and   East Midlands, a good atmosphere and it's all taken very seriously!
The course has changed as well, adding an extra loop at the start to only accentuate the drag effect, as the leg just seems to always be on an upwards gradient. The running Esher equivalent! Anyhow, taking over from a speedy Rich Bayliss I thought I'd try and conserve something once the climbs had gone, but after a couple of guys went passed me (it transpired they were actually lapping us!) I worked on the basis that I would battle with anyone who was running the same leg and try and hold position. It was a tough hold up to the heath but then a more relaxed final mile before an almighty sprint up a shortened Cardiac Hill, blowing out of my proverbial. Good to really extend the legs
The cake was great afterwards, but this and walking Delilah 3 miles earlier, took it out of me for the rest of the day. Pleased with 20.23 and running the same times as Dan Wilson and Andy Hoole was decent, as they are usually a little quicker. Think I will definitely have a little focus on some quicker running after the marathon and sharpening up - the appeal of more marathon running later in the year is definitely becoming less appealing, the more I'm running.

Sunday 29th March 

20 miles @ 8.25 p/m 
2hrs 48 mins 
Long canal loops 

A decent long run enjoying the longer evening light, as the clocks went forward this morning. Sian was away so on rugby duty this boring, another chance to take Delilah walking too! Meant I had to protract the long run. 18 miles was down on the schedule but aware that I haven't done a 20 for a while, so with the intention of taking it very easy, on a damp, blustery afternoon, I headed down on the Harborne Walkway and Edbaston Reservoir before hitting the canals and the Spaghetti junction loop again, coming back via the University. Finding it tough to run slower than 8.30's but feeling good. Had a little dip at about 16 miles, but managed to sustain it again at the end. Post run pizza and legs are definitely feeling it - a busy running weekend

Really not sure now whether this will be the last long run or one more next week. May ask for advice through the BVH website - see what others say.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Week 13 

40 miles 

Just a few weeks to go and feeling strong on the long run; welcoming the Spring! Strangely failing to run 'slowly' enough on the long runs, hope I'm not over-training … 

Monday 16th March 

5.89m @ 9 p/m 
53 mins
BVH - easy recovery run 

Despite of the pre-occupation of the Englishman to complain about the weather, this is actually a scarce running event - a complete drenching! Extremely wet evening but an enjoyable run, a recovery from yesterday's half marathon catching up with some of the guys. They say there's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. I guess it's true! Man of the Moon route

Surprised not be hurting today. 90 minute half marathon is quick, for me, so would have expected some  more aches and pains, but thankfully not to be! Think the base fitness is coming through now. Having started training in early December, it's been quite a long programme thanks to Mr Pfitzinger …

Wed 18th March 

10 miles @ 8.22 p/m 
1hr 23 mins 

Enjoyable long run home, staying light on the canals and through Canon Hill. Fully lost in latest Marathon Talk and oblivious to the world (and miles) drifting by. Adding the Uni takes away the need to run through Industrial east City Centre, which is a good thing. No BVH tomorrow for me, Daniel's Parents Evening - first in Five Ways, so should be interesting.

Friday 20th March 

Gym - speed work 
6 x 800m @ 9 mph or 6.40 p/m 
6 miles overall 

Training on a Friday evening is always tough to see through, usually finding a last minute excuse, but after missing club night and going on Rugby Tour tomorrow, I felt I couldn't afford to miss this one. I'm keen to add at least one speed session per week all the way through the training so settled on 6, 800 metre repeats with 400 m recoveries. Powered through by the Prodigy, great music for hardcore treadmill work, I enjoyed this, although having a treadmill that broke down a couple of times was a pain!

Sunday 22nd March 

18 miles @ 8.06 p/m 
2hrs 25 mins 

Scotney Boys came back from our rugby tour of Lincoln and Newark at about 3pm this afternoon, after having stopped off with Neil and James at KFC, for full on Zinger meals and Oreo cookie crushems. Probably not the best fuel for a long run, but it didn't seem to do any harm! It was a gorgeous afternoon, so after a quick coffee, it was time to head out the door for a bit of a child-free time and the long run, complete with shades for the first time in a  long while! 17 miles were on the schedule but after last week's half marathon, I thought I'd step it up to 18 and see how it goes.

I'm having real trouble running 'slowly' enough. An odd affliction but in running to how I feel (and still consciously trying to go slowly) I seem to be hovering just over the 8 minute per mile pace, which is pretty much marathon pace, and perhaps not healthy for training. Dropped down on the Harborne Walk way and on to the canal, before taking in 4  lies on the canal towards Tipton and curiously being stopped by a lad in Smethwick asking if I would take his photo! In Smethwick! Anyhow, felt strong and then headed back into town, over to the Uni and home, the legs holding up well for the full 18 miles at a content pace. I guess it does bode well, perhaps the midweek longish run is making a difference?

4 weeks to go ….

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Week 12 - after this just 5 weeks to go! 

36.7 miles (including a race pace half marathon - Silverstone) 

Definitely feeling like I'm on the homeward curve now in the training, and with the confidence of a swift half marathon today I think the key will now be to keep up the volume, do a little more intensity work, but not overdo it. Having peaked too early in my past couple of Spring Marathons, I'm keen not to repeat the mistake.  Silverstone threw the Advanced Marathon Plan awry this week (was scheduled for 51-55 miles), but I think the resultant benefit of doing the race will compensate for this.

Tuesday 10th March 

7.32 m @ 8.31 p/m 
1hr 2 mins 
Canals - spaghetti junction 

Enjoyed a contemplative after work evening run with Jack, and shook the 20 miler out of my system. I was hurting on Monday - the build up of lactic acid coupled with a sedentary desk job were taking their toll, so it was good to get out on a mild, pleasant evening. It was also a rarity - a new route! We headed out of town via Aston on the canals and found a great 7 mile loop around Spaghetti Junction that took us back into Digbeth. There was a heavy smell of marajuana at various junctures of the canal, and a couple of burnt out cars, but it was safe enough! Felt good on the run.

Wednesday 11th March 

4.06 miles @ 8.04 p/m 
32 mins 

Planned to do a long run back through Cannon Hill Park but after a long day at work I just couldn't be bothered, and it was a grey murky old evening. Didn't abandon the run though; just took it very easy on  the Summerfield Park route on the swift way home - great to be able to run it again in the light

Thursday 12th March 

Gym - 7 miles inc. 5x800m @ 6.40 p/m 

After James' parents evening, there wasn't really time to go to BVH so a speed session in the gym seemed like a reasonable option. Despite having a faulty tread-mill (that decided to reset itself on a number of occasions) it felt good to knock out 5 800's at 10km pace (9m per hour). Feeling in reasonably good shape

Saturday 14th March 

5.03m @ 8.09 p/m 
41 mins 

An early start to set up the day. Gentle run down the Harborne walkway and it was over before it began!

Sunday 16th March 

Silverstone Half Marathon 
Officially 1.30.14 
6.47 p/m 

5km splits: 
1st 5km: 21.09 (6.47 p/m)
2nd 5km: 20.45 (6.44 p/m)
3rd 5km: 21.16 (6.52 p/m)
4th 5km: 21.07 (6.49 p/m)
rest: 0.88m @ 6.46 p/m 

I have been looking forward to this race for a while - a new experience, having never raced on a Grand Prix circuit before! Having fuelled on Pizza Hut pizza last night (possibly not the best preparation!), it was an unusually late race start (12.00), but in respect to parking, I left at 8.30, and arrived with a couple of hours to spare. The grounds at Silverstone are extensive; the place was huge! It was a big event too, the entry list was at 10,000 people I believe, but I was pleased to bump into Simon Newman, Anthony Stewart and Kevin Oakes before the race, and join them for a warm up. The day itself was incredibly gloomy, cool (about 6 degree) and with a wind at about 10 mph, but it didn't seem to damped spirits.

It was a slightly surreal experience! Heading out into the sub 1.35 pen, it wasn't too crowded and the race track was wide. The camber on the grand prix circuit was springy, so great for running on, but getting used to trying to run a short line was difficult; after a couple of miles I'd already run about .2 miles too far! I settled into a decent rhythm while Simon, Kev and Sarah Rock sped ahead, as they were holding on to the sub 1.30 pacer. The atmosphere was great, good music at various parts of the course, and after 3 miles of snaking around the GP circuit we headed through a variety of pit lanes and took a tour of the other tracks, offices and inner and outer perimeters of Silverstone. I did my usual race break down (into 5km parts) and wasn't blowing too hard at about 1.30 pace (6.45 - 6.50's) for most of the run, although it definitely wasn't as interesting after we'd left the main track. The race seem to pass by very quickly though, and although the pacer seemed to be pulling away into the distance, I seemed to be passing a lot of guys in the latter part of the race, as we headed back on to the main track for the final few miles.

I caught up with Kevin at about mile 11, and was feeling strong. It may have been that a number of people were starting to struggle around me, but I think with all the mileage of late, it actually felt that I was running at my best towards the end of the race, despite of running into a head wind. Anyhow, feeling strong down the home strait (literally!) and ironically was running at sub 1.30 pace. Unfortunately I ended up running 13.3 miles, rather than the requisite 13.1, so touched down a fraction over 1.30. Having set a sub 1.35 goal at the start, this was great. Delighted for Simon - he ran his first sub 1.30, and both Sarah and Anthony ran great races too, as we all finished within a few minutes of each other.

Interesting goody bag - some rather dodgy Coconut 'water' and assorted oddities, good medal though (quite striking) and another pyjama T-Shirt for the collection. From a confidence perspective, I think this was a good choice to really test the legs for speed, now it's just down to seeing if I have the endurance over the next few weeks. I can't help but think though that I'm much fonder of this distance, over the marathon, and was delighted that the legs weren't hurting too badly at the end. Interesting course and glad i've experienced it but not sure I'll do it again - I think there are more interesting courses around; perhaps it was just too flat!

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Week 11

48.6 miles (inc. 20m race) 

A good week, enjoying the earlier signs of Spring and the definite natural increase in pace. Tough race 20 miler to finish though! 

Monday 2nd March 

7.33m @ 7.28 p/m 
54 mins 
Harborne High Street 

Anticipated an easy slow recovery run, but on a mild evening and a crew who seemed 'up for it' - Ian, John and Dave, this proved to be more of a tempo style Monday effort! Harborne High Street awaited and felt really good - I think the ski-legs have now been dropped and this mesocycle has reached a pacer section. It seems to be the trend; build on slow endurance for the first couple of months and when the better conditions come though the running feels and becomes that little bit easier

Wednesday 4th March 

11.2 miles @ 8.17 p/m 
1hr 32 mins 
run home thorough Cannon Hill + canals 

After a day's recovery (enjoying a rare Villa home win against the Baggies), this was the long midweek run scheduled. Not quite the 12 miles but that was by default rather than design and enjoyed a gentle explore of the city's Eastside, before heading down to Cannon Hill and the Rea Valley, in still light conditions. Fantastic, really enjoyable. Hit the canals in the dark (not too bad, I guess I was a scarier sight to anybody coming in the other direction) and pooled back home. Getting used to these longer mid-weekers

Thursday 5th March 

BVH - pyramid Hill Reps (Beech Road) 
5 miles

Club night and didn't fancy the proposed 7 miles @ half-marathon pace. Haven't done any hill work for a good while so this seemed a decent idea, taking in the pyramid session on Beech road, scaring the beejesus out of any residents peeping behind their curtains! Session ran at about 7.30 pace and the hill as challenging as ever. Felt fine

Saturday 7th March 

5.1m @ 7.59 p/m 
40 minutes 

Taking the opportunity to get in a few miles when I could as James trained at PerryWoods. Reflective short run, thinking of Jack who's dad sadly passed away this week in a car accident. He'd only just done the Coventry Half the week before. Really does put it all into context, and gives you the determination to make the most of what you have.

Was the BVH awards night yesterday evening too; enjoyable occasion. Tempted to have a drink but staying off the alcohol until after the marathon, bar perhaps an Easter celebration

Sunday 8th March 

Gloucester 20m Race (Race Report) 
Time TBC - was 2.33.37 - 125th 
20 miles! 

As I write this at 7pm, I'm hurting! Left quad and thigh feels shot to bits, looking forward to a recovery day tomorrow. Great preparatory Marathon race, quite low key. Just an hour down the motorway and after an early start and a very poor diet yesterday (cheeseburger and chips at the Villa for an epic Cup win over the Baggies, with crowd invasion, it was an assembly at a Park and Ride near Gloucester for a serious race-briefing and gathering of 400 or so souls for this annual 20 miler.

Rule number 1: Check your watch. Not me - mine had died before I even started, so I was feted to run to feel, rather than to pace, which can always be dangerous. I wasn't planning to go out any faster than 8 minute miling, but I also forgot rule number 2; You'll always be going out faster than you think! A whole swoop of runners passed me in the first few miles through attractive suburban Industrial estate landscape, and I was feeling rather smug thinking I may pass a number of them again later with my super slow pacing! Didn't quite work that way though as Races seem to defy time and space equations, and I was already a few minutes up after just a few miles, as we headed out on to one of three loops of just over 5 miles, in much more attractive rural surroundings.

It was a good morning for running; damp and drizzly and a little wind, but nothing too concerning. Without watch and headphones (the iPod Nazi's were out in full affect - instant banning apparently) it did give a chance for race reflections, and at one point all you could hear was the sound of local birdsong. Ah, the joys of running. The field also spaced out naturally and the teal vest attraction, Bournville having the noteriety that it has, led to striking up a conversation with a female runner, Katie, who won the women's full JW Ultra last year, and was using the race as a second 20 mile run this weekend! I ended up running the next 15 or so miles with her at about 7.45 pace (I'm guessing as  I actually don't know!), and the miles flew by, as did the couple of mini-inclines on each particular circuit. I think that's one of the best things about running; unless it's eyeballs out and total focus, you never know who you may be running with. Anyway, she gamely left me in her wake with a couple of miles to go and I completed the final loop and headed back to the finish and race HQ. Rather than speed I was looking for continuity, and although it was started to hurt at about 18 miles, there seemed a few other much worse off, which is always psychologically lifting. Pleased to see the finish line, almost instantaneously brought back up the goodie bag fizzy Lucozade and then wondered how I was going to fit into my Xtra Small technical T-Shirt. Ho Hum, life's too short ….

I would definitely recommend this for any marathoners looking to do a 20 miler in race conditions, but it has brought home the fact that 20 miles (in itself) is a bloody long way, and the body is still rebellious. Strangely it's 'not' the Gloucester 20 it used to be. I did this as my first ever 20 miler back in 2007, and it's a completely different course. The old one was more aligned with Frampton, for those who know the July 10km route.

Marathon training on track though, another good consistent 45 miler (or thereabouts week), and pleased to have got this completed. Just have to wait for the time now - I think it was about 2.35, so not in PB territory but hopefully not too fast that I'll feel beaten up for the next week or so ….

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Week 10:

43.9 miles 

A so-called 'recovery week'; pleased top have shaken off the ski-legs and a strong finish to the week. 

Monday 23rd February 

6.27m  @ 8.27 p/m 
52 minutes 
BVH - Route A

This was a tough run! I think the onset muscle damage from skiing well and truly kicked in, and I struggled around the Northfield 6 mile route, catching up with Katy, and her marathon training for Boston. Looking forward to a rest tomorrow.

Wednesday 25th February 

8m @ 8.20 p/m 
1hr 6 mins 
Cannon Hill, with Jack 

Back to the pleasurable side of running! A lighter evening after work and a very enjoyable run with Jack (who's been training for the Coventry Half) down to Cannon Hill Park, with what seemed half of the BVH club! Feeling much easier on the legs and there is something magical about running in the twilight, catching the Birmingham lights form the woodland area. Feel like the training is getting back on track

Thursday 26th February 

BVH - Kings Norton Industrial Park 
6 x 800m reps @ 5km pace (6.22 - 6.35 p/m) 
7.1 miles in total 

I was down to coach, with Nicola, this evening so took a small group of guys down to Kings Norton, for a series of 800m reps. Ironically this speed work was down on my schedule as well, so I was able to  enjoy participating as well as coaching. It's tough, but a really good work out. The course is excellent, it feels fast, and I was pleased to hold on with Katy on the first four reps although I was suffering by the last couple! Good to be out in shorts again (rather than Ronhill trackers), definitely feeling milder

As with most reps, the thought is also worse than the deed. Glad to have done this

Friday 27th February 

3.5 miles walk home! 

In the twilight enjoyed a walk home along the Hagley Road. Good finish to the week!

Saturday 28th February

5m @ 7.43 p/m + 8 x 100 strides at the end 
38 mins 

Another drizzly but mild morning and out to run to feel, no set pace in mind. Down the Harborne Walk way and around the park, and feeling strong, with decent pace in the legs. Good 5 miler and then did some fast strides, as per the programme.

Sunday 1st March 

14 m @ 7.57 p/m 
1hr 51 mins 
Handsworth + canals 

Great way to start the new month, St David's Day and a mild morning for the medium length run, the last on this recovery week. Ski-legs definitely now out of the system and was expecting a 8.30 - 9 minute mile run, but felt better and a steady sub 8 minute milling was fine, without having to blow. Maybe it was the new Kayano's (christened today) or just the culmination of a good training log, but a run down to Handsworth before hitting the canals was excellent. Half marathon completed in 1.44, so really was a long race-pace run. Given me decent confidence as I head into the last 8 weeks or so of the training, and legs not feeling bad either.


Sunday, 22 February 2015

Week 9 - parts 1 and 2! 

Pt 1: 21.9 miles 
Pt 2: 16.5 miles
38.4 mies

And a week's ski-ing in Madonna di Campiglio, Italy! 

Monday 9th February 

8.22 m @ 7.57 p/m 
1hr 5 mins 
BVH - Harborne Hills route 

Ah, my favourite route - a good social toil over the Harborne hills. Feeling strong after yesterday's 20 miler and a little quicker than was intending, more at marathon pace. Felt tired by the end, but a good run nevertheless

Wednesday 11th February 

13.7m @ 8.22 p/m 
1hr 54 mins 

After a deserved rest day at the theatre watching Edward Scissorhands. back to the marathon plight and possibly the longest midweek run I've ever done! Headed out with Jack after work and we went over to Canon Hill and beyond, a good 10.2 mile loop at 8.33 p/m. I then headed back home the quick way, up the Hagley Road, adding a little pace at 7.58 p/m. A really good run - feeling strong. With packing and ski-ing coming up, that's probably the last run for a while ……

Saturday 14th February - Saturday 21st February 

Ski-ing in Italy! Wow, we had amazing conditions! It snowed on arrival and then we had 1 iffy and 5 glorious days on the slopes. I'm not the most natural of skiers - the boys are much better, but was just starting to feel the rhythm of it, as the week finished! Managed a good number of tricky reds and I'm sure we'll be back. Enjoyed my birthday too

Fitness wise I'm sure the altitude was a decent boost, as was the 5-6 hours of skiing every day. On the downside, the socialising was excellent (a positive but not for the training!), with a good bottle of red wine every evening, plentiful beers and lots of food. With that now out the way, I'm going to commit to good training practice; no alcohol (perhaps a little at Easter), a better diet (less snacking and more healthy eating) and more sleep. I really enjoyed being in bed at 10pm on holiday -will try to do this at him too!

Sunday 22nd February 

16.5 miles @ 8.08 p/m 
2 hrs 14mins 
Canals + Harborne Hills 

After a decent night's sleep, up at a reasonable time and out the door on an icy, cold morning wondering if I could still run! Thankfully no real skiing injuries although I did really bruise my left big toe - I suspect I may lose another nail, as my boot was too tight. Didn't seem to affect my running though.

No real agenda today, wanted to go out for a couple of hours and just run to feel, see how much fitness I've lost. Tingly cold for the first few miles but warned up hitting the canal and to Marathon talk, got into a decent rhythm. Saw lots of BVH'ers going the other way as i headed out of town and felt good after taking a gel breather at 10 miles. I guess it was the diet and lack of running but as I headed to the reverse of the Harborne Hills, the wheels started to come off! The long hills got to me, and I tired substantially; the last 3 or so were a real drag. Back in one piece though and ready now for the second half of the training plan, 9 good weeks. This was a good run though, unintentionally done at marathon pace and with a gentle (ish) recovery week coming up, I can ease back into it …

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Week 8 

45.2 miles and the first 20 miler. Feeling tired as I write this later that evening! Decent week but not quite managed the 54 miles on the schedule as life got in the way

Tuesday 3rd February 

Gym - 6 miles @ 6.50 p/m 
8 miles in all 

Needed to get some decent speed work in, especially after missing Monday evenings BVH run to take Delilah to a dog class! Spent the day with Jack in Shefffield seeing clients and hit the gym on the way home.

After a warm up on the X-Trainer I hit probably the longest half-marathin paced run I've ever had on the treadmill. It does tend to go slowly, watching the cars out of the window and tuned in to some old house music, but I started at just under 7 m/pm and incrementally increased it after 2, 4 and 5 miles, ending up running the last mile at nearer 6.20 p/m. It was actually OK, certainly felt good afterwards!
So that's the speed work done for the week

Wednesday 4th Feb 

11.2 miles @ 8.28 p/m 
1hr 34 mins 

A cold night (more threat of snow, certainly icy) and the midweek long run, was down as a long one. It's hard to get the head around 10mile + runs during the week. I headed out snugly in cold weather gear and took the favoured route down to Cannon Hill, around to Stirchley and Cotteridge and back to Harborne. Took a few little detours to add a bit of distance and really pleased with 11 miles, and another 1.5 hours of time on my feet, with Marathon Talk entertaining on the way around.

Saturday 7th Feb 

Gym - 4 miles @ 8.00 p/m 
20 mins X-T - 6 miles in all 

Missed any running on Thursday and Friday due to a curry night with work (Thursday) and England's 6 Nation win against Wales on Friday. Fair excuses, I think!
Felt compelled to do something today despite it being a really busy one (watching Villa lose to Chelsea in the afternoon, another defeat!) so headed out early leaving the dog and family to have a gentle pounding on the local treadmill. Good little workout but the big first 20 miler tomorrow

Sunday 8th February 
20 miles @ 8.41 p/m 
2hrs 53 mins 

20 miles really is a long way! Up at 7am and after a small breakfast of toast and coffee, headed out on another bitterly cold day to tackle this monster. Started off again with real trepidation as it was icy on the pavements (my absolute hate) but as this was about distance, not speed, it wasn't an issue. Headed out on the walkways to Woodgate Valley, crisp and clear, only to come out in a fog haze of Acocks Green. Strange running conditions. Hilly too, headed up the long way around to Northfield and after stopping for a gel and some water at 1 1/2 hours, I hit the familiar trail to Kings Norton and back on the canals. By this time it was a glorious morning and lots of runners out and about, including Harvey on his marathon training. Feeling really good, and just started tiring a little after about 15 miles, I think it's mentally just the sheer distance. Actually picked up the pace slightly throughout though and, unlike a few long runs in the past training, felt absolutely in one piece at the end of it!

Really good to have got that one out of the way, and enjoyed a couple of full Marathon Talk episodes, one with Steve Way, on route. As I write this in the evening I've been out again dog walking and enjoying the slightly later evening light (light until about 5.20 now), but my back hurts just a little bit and I'm really grouchy, a sign of tiredness definitely

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Week 7
48.2 miles 

A good week in difficult running conditions (icy). Feeling strong after an 18 miler at the weekend 

Saturday 31st January 

18 miles @ 8.30 p/m
2 hrs 32 mins 

With the Burns night party at the Taylor's later, it seemed sensible to get the long run completed today, and I had the opportunity this morning with snow sabotaging the boys' rugby and football matches. After taking Delilah out for an early morning walk, I was a little worried about the conditions, it was very slushy, but had nothing to worry about

Got all the warm running gear on and headed down to town, meeting Jack at 5 ways roundabout, as he's doing his half  marathoning training. I'm not used to doing long runs with company, but I think it really helped as we waxed lyrical over the next couple of hours, and the miles flew by. We headed out through town and over to Villa Park, taking in the A4040 route and back on to the canals to Winson Green. Jack was coping well too, and we steadied into a 8.30 pace, for the 13.5 miles that he ran with me, stopping just for a Go Gel at 1.5 hrs. I then increased the pace for the last couple of miles home, and was back before mid-day.

My body must be adapting to the mileage as I was definitely feeling strong. Mind you, I was very tired later in the afternoon and suffered in drinking and eating too much at the Burns Party later, amidst great company.

Sunday 1st February 

6.72m @ 8.28 p/m 
56 mins 

A nice easy day of mostly sport; Andy Murray losing in the Australian Open, England losing in their cricket final and Arsenal thrashing the Villa 5-0. Indespersed I managed an easy run down the walkway and around the Reservoir, aiming for around 7 miles. Legs fine but feeling generally tired, although did miss the Stourbridge Stagger; not really an option after yesterday's long run and today's hangover …

Another week down.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Tuesday 27th January 

6.39m @ 8.16 p/m 
52 mins 
Back from work 

Enjoyed catching up with Marathon Talk on the iPod, and took the indirect route home down the Pershore Road and up around Selly Oak. An unremarkable run, but felt strong at a reasonable pace. Left foot feeling just a little sore from last nights tempo, but nothing to worry about I think 

Wednesday 28th January 

5m - no Garmin
Back from work - with Jack 

Rather than a rest day I took a nice easy recovery run back home, with Jack. I think these runs help with the conditioning and it was a gently pace, although with no watch, an undetermined one! 

Thursday 29th January 

5.57m @ 9.16 p/m 
51 mins 
Back from work - very icy (been snowing) 

In football terms, it was a run of two halves! I was aiming to do a 11 miler this evening, either at BVH or a long run home. The weather put plans to that though; we had a day of snow although not enough to affect my running, or so I thought! Decided on the run home again, and the first couple of miles out of town were serene enough, melted pavements and easy under foot. I reached the Uni and it suddenly became more treacherous; nasty ice patches all the way home. I'm really tentative on icy surfaces, it's just no fun at all! Took caution and just jogged back gingerly. I don't think we're in for a big snow bout, but today was proof that sometimes the best laid plans need adaptations …. 

Another easy run though to clock up those miles. Rest day tomorrow after running 5 days straight now, and a big weekend ahead, weather permitting 
Monday 26th January 

6.57m @ 7.17 p/m 
47 mins
BVH - Man on the Moon route 

In not being able to add any pace into yesterday's run, I thought it was time to push on a little this evening, so rather than talk my way through the first few miles I went out with Andy Wheeler with the intention of trying to hold on round the route. I was OK for the first few miles, but then Andy, Gareth and Matt left me behind, to up the tempo a little more and pass some of the steadier runners on the remainder of the Man on the Moon route.

I've definitely lost some pace with having doing a fair bit of slower running. I felt strong and it was good wearing shorts (rather than running tights) at this time of the year, which strangely seems to make the run feel that bit faster! Happy with 7.17's, but strange to think I can handle sub 7's in half marathons; although I'm not in this form presently. With an icy forecast, good to get the tempo run out of the way for the week!

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Week 6 - down as a 'Recovery week' 

29.5 miles in total 

Monday 19th January 

6.1m @ c7.50 p/m - race pace 
Kings Heath route at BVH 

A bitter evening at the club but an enjoyable run around the Kings Heath route; one of my favourites. Roads a little more thawed too. Just an approximate speed - my Garmin decided not too work - the joys of technology!

Wed 21st January 

4.16m @ 8.25 p/m 
35 mins 
Hagley Road back from work 

Determined to follow the schedule and take it nice and easy this week! Gentle run back from work. Felt a little sluggish but could be to do with the meals enjoyed yesterday on a day off doing lots of household chores with Sian. Ironically though with all this running, I feel that I'm putting on weight - perhaps over compensating in the junk food department. Will have to watch this I think

Thurs 22nd January 

Coaching at BVH 
7.3m inc. 6x800m reps at Kings Norton Industrial Estate - speed 
averaging at 6.30 p/m 

Really good session. Down to coach with Alan and we had a good session at Kings Norton Business Park; a great track for putting in some speedy efforts. Good turnout too, but after the initial encouragement and the mark down of the 800m mark (well 1/2m, but who's splitting hairs!), I joined in and tried to hang on the back of a few of the faster guys. Fared OK, but I think all this slow running has taken away some of my speed, inevitable I suppose. I think it;s important to maintain it though

Sunday 25th January 

12 miles @ 8.26 p/m 
1hr 41 mins 
Edgbaston reservoir and the Canals 

Really didn't fee like a run today! Decided against the gym on Friday and feeling a little lacklustre, after a really good day yesterday walking Delilah in Clent with Pete and his hounds, and going around to Mike and Jane's for a curry in the evening. Resulted in a hangover, a concoction of lager, sloe gin and red wine and a weak will for getting out the door.

Anyhow, on a much milder morning than of late I trod the Harborne Walkway and finally found the back gate way in to Edgbaston Reservior, thank to Rich Rollins! That cheered me up somewhat and after taking it easy down the canals and through town, felt much better! 12 miles wasn't too arduous but it looks like the schedule ramps up a fair bit for the next few weeks. I think I'm looking forward to it, but now suffering from over eating and drinking and not getting enough quality sleep

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Sunday 18th January 

16.6 miles @ 8.46 p/m 
2hrs 25 mins 

Sometimes it's just not possible to stick to the schedule! I had another alcohol free reserved evening out on Saturday, a lovely evening out at Tim and Heather's, back at midnight with the intention of completing the hardest run on the schedule to date; a 16 miler with 10 miles at race pace.

Delilah ensured an early start but my plans were thwarted by the environment, it was just too icy. It was a glorious morning; strong sun reflecting glistening hoar frost and very cold, and the first few miles were taken very easy on the Harborne Walkway. A few steps onto the canal at race pace though and it was apparent that doing race pace miles (c7.45-7.50) was just not a wise idea, it was way too difficult to keep traction, so I took the sensible option and improvised, focussing on staying on my feet, avoiding falling and enjoying the longest run on this training, to date. The section around town was particularly treacherous, on the icily veneered cobbles, but, having to concentrate, managed to stay on my feet on the canals and then up through Kings Norton and back to Harborne

Saw a good number of runners en route; a herd of students breezed past at the Uni and ran into Antony Stewart and Rich Bayliss, and the miles flew by. Tried a Go Gel at 10 miles too, will introduce these sparingly on the long runs to provide a glycogen boost.

So, not quite what was intended but delighted to have spent almost two and a half hours on my feet, quite literally!

Enjoyed the rest of the day too, good dog walking in Warley Woods and the gunners finally win away at a decent club; beating Man City 2-0.

It's a 'recovery' week next week, and with lots of ice forecasted that could be a good thing …

End of week 5: a good week -  47.6 miles and out on 6 occasions. Obeying the rule of slow long run's too. hope it's working out. Certainly I'm not feeling over tired. 

Saturday 17th January 

5.03m @ 8.24 p/m 
42 mins 
easy run on the Harborne walkway 

After a night out at Jongleurs, the comedy club, on Friday night, I remained restrained and off the alcohol with a busy day planned, including an early easy run on the Harborne Walkway, on a particularly cold, crisp morning. Enjoyed the run and feeling strong and enjoyed more retro music; Carter USM!

Thursday 15th January 

Gym - 30 mins X-Train, 20 mins bike - easy 
c5 miles 

We were scheduled to do hills at BVH so after doing my speed work on Monday, and 10 miler yesterday, I thought it more sensible to do an easy circuit at the Gym. Still busy on the post-Xmas rush, but enjoyed an easy 50 minute workout, a bit of extra cardio

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Wednesday 14th January 

10m @ 8.42 p/m 
1hr 27 mins 
general aerobic

A real joy of running is to wrap up with climate jacket, hat and gloves and ignore the elements, and this was one of those evenings. The snow didn't settle and with an impending storm forecasted I thought it wise to get the mid week long run out of the way, and took a meandering route back past Canon Hill, through Stirchley and back through Bournville.

As this was labelled as a general aerobic run, I took it easy and became immersed in my music; I'm using this training to get re-aquainted with some old sounds. Tonight it was the soundtrack of Lock Stock and an old Nirvana album; brought back some great student memories. It was surprising how quickly the 10 miles went, on what is not the most inspiring and quite a hilly route, largely up the Pershore Road and around the A4040. I guess the stamina must be building up as the run felt good.

Had a quick look at the schedule; some scary mid-week runs in the offing later on

Tuesday 13th January 

4m - easy run home (c32 mins) 

Had high hopes of a first run back in the snow from work this year, but to no avail - it duly arrived a couple of hours later!
Took it nice and easy running back from work with a bit of Fatboy Slim, no running watch so no time pressures whatsoever. Running out some of yesterdays speed work in the gym
Happy birthday nan!

Monday, 12 January 2015

Monday 12th January 

Gym - speed work - 5m @ 6.50 p/m (34.10) 
Lactate threshold workout 
7 m in all 

Didn't manage to get out at all yesterday and in truth enjoyed the rest; my legs were feeling fatigued after the 15.5 mile run on Saturday, probably just overcooked on the pace. Great to have a day enjoying Sian's birthday weekend and chilling (with a bit of work too :-()

The schedule of Lord Pfitzinger threw in a lactate threshold session for this week, so with miserable wetaher outside it seemed an ideal opportunity to replace the BVH club run with a gym session, and get the speed work out the way.

It was a tough session, a short warm up on the X-Trainer and then a 5 miler on the treadmill, with some old house music to keep me sane. Aimed for roughly half marathon pace; started at 6.50 min miling for the first 3, then increased the speed by about 10 secs per mile for miles 4 and 5. As with most of these session, I felt better as it went along, and a 5 miler in under 35 minutes was pretty good. Quick warm down and that's the speed work out of the way for a while - hurrah!

Prognosis on week 4 - completed yesterday 
36.8 miles 
A decent effort and still injury free …. 

162 miles so far in 5weeks (one week spread over 2!), average of 32 miles per week (or 40 over 4)

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Saturday 10th January 

15.5 miles @ 8.09 p/m 
2hrs 6 mins 

This weekend was definitely a case of getting in the long run when I could! I wasn't sure how it was going to go today - after celebrating Sian's 40th birthday yesterday at Turners Restaurant, an experience of culinary expertise and over indulgence! We enjoyed the Michellin starred restaurants 10 course taster menu; wonderful concoctions that really were a once in a lifetime, or at least not a frequent dine! It was rest, but we were absolutely stuffed by the finale of the exquisite chocolate and cheesecake, and bottle of champagne. So Sian's starts a new decade ….

I've been feeling really tired too after a vey busy first week at work and not enough quality sleep. Delilah has taken to sleeping on our bedroom floor and waking me up in the middle of the night which hasn't helped, although it has cured James' sleepwalking. So I wasn't sure how the long run would go down physically, as I set off just after a simple lunch early afternoon on a bright but very windy Saturday afternoon.

Headed off down the usual route through Harborne walkway and on to the canals to town, before heading back out towards the Uni and finding a convenient loop around Kings Norton to increase the mileage. Was scheduled to run a c 8.45 p/m pace but ran more to feel, than order, and felt good at just over 8 minute mile pace, so stuck with it throughout. I may suffer for this a little tomorrow, but on the run it was fine, buoyed with some decent old school hip-hop tunes, and was generally comfortable for the full run, slightly over the scheduled 15 miles. I guess that's a good omen, I must be getting naturally fitter, and I do think that running after a meal is often easier than first thing in the morning, when your metabolism has kicked in for the day.

So, that's the first 15 miler concluded, now taking it easy for the rest of the day as Sian heads out with her teacher clan to the Bank, for a meal in time, leaving me for a boy's night in! Think I'll reward myself with an early night ……

Thursday 8th January 
4.58 m @ 8.05 p/m 
37 mins 
Quinton hill route 

Gave BVH a miss tonight as the schedule suggested a recovery run, rather than the mile speed repeats we had at the club. On a brisk, chilly evening ran at a pace that felt good, probably a little too fast in truth, but still not too tough. Took in the Quinton hills route, popping in for fish anti-fungal solution on the way back, a great effort of multi-tasking!
Wednesday 7th January 
10m @ 8.42 p/m 
1hr 27 mins 

Really enjoyable run after work, with Jack. I'm starting to get used to these long (ish) mid-week runs and this one, on a dark mizzly Birmingham evening, felt very comfortable, and a very sociable, conversational pace. It does make a lot of sense to build up the mileage without the consequences of a long recovery.

We went out of town over to Moseley and Kings Heath, before dropping back on to the Pershore road, putting the world to right! It was a good opportunity to combine the run with work conversation too, and it's runs like these that remind you that running is for pleasure too
Monday 5th January 
6.74m @ 7.52 p/m 
53 mins 
BVH - Pebble Mill route 

Was expecting to feel a bit leggy after yesterday's long run, but felt surprisingly good; particularly as getting back into work mode was quite a shock to the system! Andy raced off but enjoyed a good catch up with a few of the BVH guys on the Pebble Mill Route. As always the first Monday club night tends to be a very busy one with everyones resolutions 

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Sunday 4th January 

14.2m @ 8.35 p/m 
2hrs 1 min 

One of those beautiful mornings, hoar frost and barely above freezing, but stunning views of the sun rising over the Woodgate Valley. Started early (ish) and took it very easy, as per the plan but also in respect to icy pavements. I never feel very stable at the best of times, but definitely had a few Bambi moments!

Felt really good through the Country Park and then took in a circuit of Shenley, Northfield and Cotteridge, meeting a few other BVH'ers going the other way. Feeling a little strain on the top of the left leg - has been a theme after 10 miles, so will have to watch out for this. Back in time for the Xmas Panto in the afternoon, combined with the taking down of the decorations yesterday signifies the end of the festive season, and back to normality!

Week 3 (pt 2)! - 36.8 miles. Pleased with the effort over the Xmas period

Friday, 2 January 2015

Thursday 1st January 2015

10m @ 8.23 p/m 
1hr 23 mins 

The best way to usher in a New Year and clear the head - an early run. An inauspicious, dark skied morning, but mild, ideal for running. Out just after 8am and the mid-week longish run, 10 miles, beckoned. The world was still very sleepy, and I was surprised to see a hairdressers open in Handsworth and wondered what the in-mates of HMP Winson Green made of the new year (a new start?) as I ran by, taking in the A4040 route and dropping down on the canals just after Smethwick. Gentle pace, breaking in what will hopefully be a big year of running. I do like this route; through the industrial hinterlands passed Handsworth and the peace of the canal network, especially this time of year.

I think the festive period has taking it out of me a bit though; I was in a grumpy old mood most of the day, probably not helped by taking Jake (and Dan and James) to a very poor Villa game (against Palace) and Arsenal losing too. Oh well, different year, same old S***!

Wednesday 31st December - end of year + WAVA 

4.58 m @ 7.53 p/m 
36 mins
Quinton hills route 

So, the last run of 2014! After entertaining Ro and Jake, who are up for the New Year, I managed to squeeze in one last, very easy, evening run before the festivities began, heralding in 2015. With Goldie Lookin' Chain to power me on, I took it very easy on the Quinton Tesco hill route, reflecting on the year and with the purpose of a last shop in the Co-Op, running back worth a box of tea-bags. Now there's multi-tasking!

Had a really enjoyable New Year - watched When Harry Met Sally, couple of bottles of champagne and the usual fireworks on TV. Welcome 2015!

That makes a total of 1277 miles for the year, an average of 24.5 miles per week, and although I'm never really bothered with my weight, I've managed to get down form over 90 kgs down to a run-worthy 85kg, before now eating my way back up to the mid 87kg's. Think I'll need to focus on getting back to 85 region, to be in the best shape for London, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem

I've been looking at this year's achievements too. Trained hard for both a 10km (DK in May) and a Half Marathon (Cardiff in October). Interestingly, the age-grading (WAVA) for my times are 70.9% for the 10km (40.40) and 71.1% for the Half Marathon (1.28.06). These are regional level gradings for a 42 year old.  The mystery is how do I translate these to the marathon - a 3.05 marathon is equivalent to 70.3%, which I don't think I'm capable of, and am not really aiming for anyway. Will have to ponder this for the rest of the programme …